Thursday, October 29, 2020

Bobcat Bulletin 11/29/20


School News:

WOW!!  I am so impressed with the Moretown School Community!  The new morning screening process is going super well!! We are getting kids into school quickly and safely.  THANK YOU!!
  • If you have any issues with the morning screener, please reach out.  We are here to help.

Virtual Open House is today!! Teachers will be posting videos or slide shows for families to check out.  Please review it with your child and have them talk to you about their day.  You can ask about their favorite part of school, what is different than last year, and how much they love the forest (just for a few conversation starters.

(UPDATED) Safety and Health Guidance for Reopening Vermont Schools, Fall 2020

Please help spread the word about our new video, "How Contact Tracing Slows the Spread of COVID-19," with schools, parents, families and students. The brief video (1 minute, 42 seconds) is to help educate people about how contact tracing works, why it’s an important tool to slow the spread of COVID-19, and to encourage people to answer the call if they are called by a contact tracer. The video can be helpful for people of all ages; it uses a friendly, animated style, and easy-to-understand language and visuals.


Now that schools have opened up, we want to make sure families are familiar with this concept and process, in the event they become a case of COVID-19, or are identified as a close contact to a case. The video also explains that calls from a contract tracer always come from a live person, and are never a computer-generated voice or robot, and we never ask about financial information. It also shows the phone number that will show up if you get a call. This is to help people understand what is a legitimate call from a contact tracer.

Community News/Opportunities

Please note that the opportunities/events listed below are not specifically endorsed or screened by school staff. As always, families should use their own standards and review processes to determine appropriate activities.

Parent Volunteers needed for Lantern Parade Preparation 

Greetings Moretown Parents,

This year, the Moretown school will be participating in the River of Light Lantern festival. We are looking for 3 - 5 volunteers to help with the lantern preparation prior to the children creating them in Art class. We will need the kits to be completed before November 2nd so the children have ample time to complete their lanterns for the display on December 5th.

Here is a list of what needs to be created: (120) Vellum Lantern Preparation, (25) Globe Lantern Preparation, (145) Lights in bags. 

What: River of Light Lantern Preparation helpers needed.

When: Preparation will need to be completed by Monday, November 2nd.

Where: Supplies can be picked up at Moretown school, or sent home with your child - Kits can be created in your home.

Please email me with any questions and if you are interested in helping! I will put your chosen task kit together for you to work on at home.

We are excited to be a part of this very special community event this year!



Community News/Opportunities

Please note that the opportunities/events listed below are not specifically endorsed or screened by school staff. As always, families should use their own standards and review processes to determine appropriate activities.

Halloween Story and Pumpkin Walk
Saturday, 11am-8pm

In celebration of Halloween this year, the library invites all goblins, ghosts and other characters of the night to a special Story and Pumpkin walk happening at the Rec Fields. Read the story and view your neighbors' carved creations, with the Jack O'Laterns lighting up when the trick or treating begins in the Village.

While we won't be handing out candy that day, snap a picture of your favorite page or pumpkin, and share with us anytime we are open to receive a treat (no tricks we promise). Our current hours are Mon/Tues/Thurs 2-6pm and Sat. 10am-2pm.

We also still need donations for the pumpkin walk. Bring your carved creation to the Rec Fields on Saturday between 9-11am , and help us create a great display.

I have heard that many of our neighbors in the village are planning for trick-or-treaters this year. Although the school is not hosting their regular party, there will still be opportunities for Halloween fun!

You Can Still Have a Happy and Safe Halloween! 
- from the VT Dept of Health

Halloween may look a little different this year, but we can still find ways to celebrate safely! Keep three things in mind when you head out on Halloween:
               - 6-foot Spaces -
Keep a safe 6-foot distance between your family and others who don't live in your household. Don't forget your flashlight so you're visible in the dark! Giving out candy? Get creative! Have bags ready to grab on your front steps, or slide the treats down a candy slide.
             - Masks on Faces - 
Make sure you and the people around you are wearing masks. Find a fun way to make it a part of your costume! But DON'T wear a costume mask over your face mask, which could make it harder to breathe.

               - Uncrowded Places - 
Keep your group small, and skip crowded indoor parties. Take the fun outside! If you're trick-or-treating and one neighborhood seems too busy, skip to the next one.

Making these things a part of your Halloween plans will make everyone safer. And remember… if you're sick, stay home!

Learn more:

Interfaith Council Thanksgiving Baskets are available.

Please complete this form and return it to Mandy Couturier at Moretown School.

Everyone Eats an awesome program that engages local restaurants to make to-go meals for anyone who has been impacted by the COVID-19 crisis due to unemployment, underemployment, or other challenges (so basically everyone)! This program is available thanks to special CARES Act funds made available to Vermonters. 

Pick up is at Sugar Fish VT (not Sugarbush) on Saturdays from 11-1. 168 Fiddlers Green (by the Laundromat) Waitsfield, VT 05673 

You will receive one individually packaged, frozen dinner for each person in your household. Also, Farmers to Families Boxes available first-come, first-serve. 

Yes! It’s easy to request your meal choice on the Enrollment Form. 

Sign up using the link below. You will only need to enroll once. Please plan to come each week to pick up meals. 
Come to Sugarfish on Saturday, October 24th to enroll. We will have a limited number of extra meals, so first-come, first-serve. 

*Please choose Share MRV (Mad River Valley) as your connection to Everyone Eats 

Questions? Please call Jess Tompkins at (802)-793-1116 or email the ShareMRV team at

Link for more information. 

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