Saturday, August 22, 2015

Update from WWSU and a quick note about bussing

A note from WWSU 

On Tuesday, September 8th at HUHS in the auditorium, the local school boards of the Washington West Supervisory Union will have a first presentation on Act 46 or H.361. This is the new legislation that requires merger/consolidation of school districts  by July 1, 2019. The Executive Committee of the WWSU board decided to take a break over the summer and then move full throttle into the work immediately in late August and throughout the fall. The presentation will include an overview of the law, some cost models for Washington West based on what we know to date, and a Q & A. Nicole Mace, attorney and Executive Director of the Vermont School Boards Association, and Brad James, an accountant/finance officer for the Agency of Education, will present with Michelle Baker, WWSU CFO and Brigid Scheffert Nease, Superintendent of Schools. This event will be widely publicized. We are encouraging all community members, faculty, and media to join the boards and administration as we begin to fully understand the law and begin our very important work. 

The following evening, Wednesday, Sept. 9th, the WWSU Executive Committee will debrief the presentation, set a rigorous working schedule (additional meetings), change the bylaws to expand the membership for this work to include an additional representative from each school board, and begin serious work on the primary guiding question; should the WWSU go for the accelerated merger option: why or why not? A number of resources to study can be found on the Vermont Agency of Education and websites. This is a very important time to serve, with serious decisions-financial, governance and programmatic to be made, on behalf of many student generations to come and our taxpayers at large. As always, I look forward to working with you as we tackle these challenges and engage in problem solving. We are very lucky to have such wonderful people capacity and resources in the Washington West Supervisory Union! 

Please attend. Brigid Scheffert-Nease

*Please note that busing schedules indicate that students will leave our school at 2:30 each day. (this is a change from our summer update newsletter in July)   Bus schedules can be found on the WWSU website - (Link here: or through our school blog  - link is listed above.  

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